Down with Bushy...!
Mr Bushy..???

Well i'm sorry bushy or should i say Sgt Yang JJ.... Well first of all you're one of the most irritating person t0 have around, then u give people names which is irritating, then you always seem to know everything about anything or at least you try to and then you're a fly boy!!!
Dunno whether penning this entry down will get you miffed but who gives a damn?? Or maybe you're actually happy to be the center of attraction cause hey someone's writing about you. Well story has it that Mr Bushy got his 2nd sgt rank rather unceremoniously as it seems. 2nd Sgt Kar yong was suppose to don the rank but apparently it was the last one and it fell into the hands of Mr flyboy, who in turn refused to give up on it. I mean not that i'm envious or anything but what bothers me was the fact that Kar Yong has done so much for the company and what has ^^ done?
Well nothing that i can remember but i do remember what he has not done. Maybe its because people tend to retain memories of ones bad doings instead of his good. Well i shall not comment beyond this issue, not that he was not slated to become a 2nd sgt but he was one for only a month or so... And as a trainer for bravo coy... What the hell??
Well no hard feelings dude but i think you shld have given the rank to him, it may seem like a small thing but it would definately show your maturity as a person to realise that he deserves it on his arm more than you do... I know that probably you would want to flaunt the rank in front of your loved ones but well i shall not say more...
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