Unique Experience that is Army

The day that i stepped out of the shadows of a carefree boy into the shadows of adulthood, the very much dreaded day of countless local boys in singapore, enlistment day. Never did i expect to be part of the "elite" Commandos, and i didn't really know what to expect other than the relatively high physical and intellectual requirement. Stories of people being tortured by dunking made me doubt whether I could take the tough training. Whether or not as to i would have to go thorough such similiar ordeals ran through my mind. Upon receiving the enlistment letter i wondered then as i wonder now, where would i be if i had not gone for the vocational assignment...
Anyway here i am now 2 years 3 months later with 41 days to go til i officially close this chapter of my life. This is going to be something which is going to be hard to do, i never thought that i'd be saying this, but now after waiting patiently for what seemed like ages to leave the camp i don't feel like going anywhere. Ha ha, they'd probably have to chase me out. I'm going to miss everything, from my brothers to proibably the dust in the bunk. The pink i/c seems to be within my grasps yet again. Yet now what lays ahead for me i do not know, i guess i'll wait til this fog is lifted.
Life in the army begun on the 10 of dec 2003, it seems like it was only a couple of months ago... I started off in the PTP batch, having not taken the napfa test because of my slothful tendencies. I guess my loafer abilites is what got me into this mess, boy am i talented or what... The trainers seemed super nice, like for the first day. Then they all turned nasssty... They started hissing and spitting fire all over... Arrghhh it was hell and i wasn't suppose to be here. I thought to myself i could take the shit they dished out and made it out by disrupting by passing my ippt test on the 2nd attempt ( i was screwed by the 2IC on my 1st attempt, we were suppose to do 7 chin-ups and i did 6 + 2 of which apparently wasn't counted according to him ) and not having to come back til the BMT batch comes in.
BMT was not any better, this time it was like round 2 in hell. With new recruits coming in, there were more baldies around, and like they say the more the merrier!! I guess the trainers had to do what they did, cause thats the only way to make us tougher both physically and mentally. After bmt we had to go through another phase which was to be much tougher we were now privates. This period of time in my life was one that i found to be very difficult, i was very depressed and found myself giving up more. I didn't want to do anything just wanted out, seeing my mates from the ptp phase falling out one by one til there were very few of us left about 20 or less now. I decided to seek solace in God whom i always turn to whenever i need help, but you see thats the bad thing, i only remember him through tough times... I shall pray more from now on.... I thank god and his angels for protecting me and giving me guidance and pray that they do so til my last breath....
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